Neurologists and patients have offered nine strategies that those with invisible, neurologic disorders can use to protect their own physical and emotional health.
Managing ADHD Obsessive Thoughts: Finding Relief from Unwanted Loops
Experiencing ADHD Obsessive Thoughts is common among individuals with ADHD. These persistent, unwanted thoughts can feel overwhelming and interfere with daily life.
Improving Patient Communication: Building Trust and Enhancing Care
Effective Patient Communication is crucial for building trust, improving treatment adherence, and achieving optimal patient outcomes.
Leaded Gasoline: A Hidden Threat to Mental Health
A new study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry has linked leaded gasoline exposure to a staggering 151 million cases of psychiatric disorders in the United States, including ADHD, depression, and anxiety.
Autism in Girls: Unmasking the Challenges
Autism in girls often presents differently than in boys, leading to significant underdiagnosis and unique challenges. This article delves into the complexities of Autism in Girls.