
Mental Wellness Blog

Coping with Neurologic Disorder

Coping with Invisible Symptoms of Neurologic Disorders

An article at Brain & Life, “How to Deal with Invisible Symptoms of Neurologic Disorders,” suggests people with neurologic disorders may feel judged or misunderstood, due in part to the invisible nature of their symptoms. Neurologists and patients have offered nine strategies that those with invisible, neurologic disorders can use to protect their own physical and emotional health.

  1. Speak to your Physician: Use concrete examples when speaking with your physician to illustrate how your condition is disrupting your daily functioning, not just your level of pain.
  2. Join a support group: Seek out patient organizations related to your condition in order to find a relevant support group or speak with others informally.
  3. Protect your mental health: Remind yourself that these symptoms were not brought on by yourself.
  4. Draft an “elevator speech”: Include a few words that simply explain your actions as well as things that the other person can do to help you in a particular situation.
  5. Let doctors speak for you: Some medical organizations and physicians hand out information cards that provide an overview of the patient’s condition, the date of injury and their emergency contact information. Keep this card on hand wherever you go.
  6. Don’t compare: Refrain from comparing your progress or condition against that of another person and ignore those who try to do so.
  7. Educate: Know that your knowledge, attitudes and beliefs are within your control but you can’t control other people. Patients can decide how much or how little information they are willing to share.
  8. Set boundaries: Be clear about what you can and cannot do so others have realistic expectations regarding your participation in an activity.
  9. Accept help: Make a list of chores and errands that people can help you with.

Read the full article to learn more about each of these nine strategies that those with a neurologic disorder can use to protect their physical and emotional health.