According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 10% of children in America have been diagnosed with ADHD. Those children may require accommodations both in school and at home in order to find success.
The article below helps us to understand things that a child with ADHD may have difficulty with. It also provides actionable ideas for supporting their growth and development with positive reinforcement and strategies that have been proven effective to help our children thrive. (After reading the excerpt below, click the link to read the rest of the article on its home site.)
Children with ADHD Need Positive Reinforcement (& Other Interventions That Work)
ADHD in children shows up at school, in behavior, and with friends and siblings. For the ADHD symptoms that collide with developmental milestones in childhood, positive reinforcement is almost always the best parenting solution. Read on for pinpointed solutions for common organization problems, emotional dysregulation, and learning challenges.
Every stage of life is defined by developmental milestones that are shaped or complicated in some way by the symptoms of ADHD. In children, ADHD symptoms and traits like hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsivity can influence behavior and performance in the classroom, with friends and family, and out in the world… (Click here to continue reading.)